We are getting ready to leave Trenton Maine to head for Jonesport and time spent with our friends. Trenton is on the border of Arcadia and just far enough from Bar Harbor to be manageable. We have spent time in the National Park and yesterday went to Deer Isle and Stonington Maine ( which is alot like Noank CT) We have had lobster and I made a killer mixed berry pie with blueberries, blackberries and raspberries.
I have been having good memories of spending summers in Maine with my sisters at my grandparents summer home in Wells Maine.They had a large house with attached barn. Actually the barn was large with a work room, outhouse, and complete bar area in knotty pine. The floor was planks of wood where one or another of us were always losing something between the planks. Grandfather was always so patient trying to salvage what we lost. I don't remember the house as well as the barn. That could well be because we were usually relegated to the barn area. After a long ride ( pre highways) to Maine in the unairconditioned station wagon with 3 girls and a carsick dog my parents were met at the door by the maternal grandparents with a stiff drink and we were told to stay outside . I can see that now as an adult and we always loved being outside and finding berries and playing in the garage- boy I remember that garage/barn !!
All in all I am enjoying this new life, it is relaxing and interesting . There is time to explore and relax and ride the silly retro-bike and walk the dogs. We will continue to follow the sun