We left Maine and our good friends in Jonesport last Monday and drove back to Griswold Ct. We did have a good time and got to take in the sights such as the blackfly ball in Machias, stopped where this gentleman makes Maine Sea Salt for sale- pretty labor intensive but he has all different flavors ( quite frankly they all tasted like salt to me ) we went to Campabello and drove the island and picked up some Cole Tea Bags for my friend who swears by them but cannot puurchase in the US . We drove around Lubec Maine and through Eastport. Mostly I liked sitting at our RV watching the 13 foot tide, smelling the sea air and decomposing seaweed and eating lobster and mussels literally right from the water. We have been friends with Bob and Patty for about 18 years so we understand each other which is necessary for a 12 day stay
So now back in CT and catching up with family, saw my lovely granddaughter who starts college at URI today. My boy Flee doing well with Cory, He needs a good grooming as he is a shedder but he looks good has put on weight and is relaxed. He has his own home where he is king and it is good for him . Just reminds me that having a dog is not solely about what may be good for us , is it
ok as I end just one more picture of the RV and our spor looking towards Jonesport- I couldn't resist.
We will be returning to the road about the first of October- more to come