Saturday, January 3, 2009

Happy New Year- finally

I haven't kept up to date and for that I apologize. Again , for someone who does little but walk 4 dogs by the time evening comes I am ready for bed. Actually , it is not just walking but keeping them quiet and exercised.
We had a quiet New Year's Eve- also our 14th anniversary ( and they said it wouldn't last). We had friends over on NYear's day and another set of friends today. Tomorrow is for me to sit back and read.
I need to get a bit more creative about cooking- can't do grilling every night. I have cleaning down to a science. We have decided to get a small TV for the "basement" so we can sit outside and watch TV if the urge gets us. Today with UConn on we could have used it -
Deco is getting better and is barking instead of those little 'woofs' and he wants to do the stairs in and out instead of being carried. I do think he bruised his ribcage and that the rimydil (sp) is helping. The vet called Friday to check on him- they are very attentive at this vet office.
We will not trial next week as I don't want him to re injure himself but I have hopes for Miami the end of the month.
We are looking into moving to the panhandle next month- I have always wanted to see that part of Florida.
other then that- not much to report. Life in the RV park is quiet unless you have a site next to the Canadians- they raise H every night. I am getting very lazy so I need to find something to do that isn't just walking the dogs- which still takes a better part of my day.
Well, when all is said and done , it is warm and sunny each day and that sure beats cold and snow.


Ann Miller said...

HAPPY NEW YEAR, Lindsay and Jim!
And Happy Anniversary too! Congrats!

I know what you mean about trying to find other things to do...I'm starting to get cabin fever already! As I feel better, I want to do more. Maybe there is a public utility company near can get a job there! LOL!

Take care and keep us posted!

Janet said...

Hey Lindsay, How's things on the road? How about sending some of that warm air up here? Happy anniversay, and Happy New Year. Janet, and crew