Now comes the big push,getting the bus packed and the house un-packed , so to speak. Looking over all the summer duds, bringing more with me this year as I really didn't have anything to dress up in I mean casual dress up like no jeans, and I do have that stuff here so might as well bring it with me.
Then it is reloading food stuffs like bread crumbs and diced tomatoes and pasta, stuff I have in the house. We have 2 refrigerators and a freezer in the house so everything needs to go into one frig and I see what is in the freezer that I can take with me. The refrig and freezer on the bus is small so I have to be careful and the dog's food takes up a good amount of room. Unfortunately I can't find decent raw down in Florida so we just have to make due.
Will miss my doggie friends , all the Sneak members and Paulie ,my herding guru. At least I have a few contacts all set in Florida and that has possibilities.
Once I get the packages wrapped, the money set aside for those type gifts, the rv packed and cleaned, the bed made towels folded etc. I will feel less stressed.
I always find the holidays stressful and alot of it has to do with the fact that I feel I don't do enough for the kids and grandkids. Now where does that come from ? Somehow I always feel lacking during the holidays which makes me do more and more, unfulfilled expectations that I put on myself. Damn you would think at 64 I would be over that, it just gets worse until I leave and head south where I can avoid the jingle bell jingle bell feelings. How Christmas can it be with a
palm tree ??
Got to say that I love the iphone . love it love it. I took pictures of the granddaughters making a gingerbread house and downloaded it, so handy to have available. And the apps!!!!!! I have one that reads barcodes and tells me where I can buy it cheaper. what a great toy.
OK fellow bloggers, countdown is on . More to come
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