Wednesday, December 23, 2009

does Santa Claus come to the Florida Keys?

Lovely Marathon Florida and the scene from our RV. Arrived here on the 22nd and much to our delight, the park is very nice and friendly. Many of the people here come every year for the holidays. We have several friends from Michigan who come down every year and we are getting together with them.

I have to admit that I am missing the family this year, Perhaps because the youngest grand child is 4 and it would be fun to watch her on Christmas. Maybe I am just getting sentimental in my older age, who knows.

Jim was able to wash the RV which made him happy. All the rain and mud from the state park in Georgia - gone.

Not much else to add. While lots of people have their RVs decorate more so then a house- lots of palm trees and flamingos as well. We opted for the minimalist approach, ie , nothing. May go to K -Mart tomorrow and look for discounted Xmas goodies and do a half hearted holiday theme.

We have finally solved the problem with Nemo who cries all night if he is in his crate but if left free he insists on sleeping on our heads. I have a slip lead that is tied so he can not get on the bed and I brought one of the dog beds to put beside the bed. this keeps him off the bed but with us. Unbelievable what we do for our guys.

Just got the confirmation for the Palmetto trial, short to tall every day but Saturday- that means Wednesday thru Friday, early days. Hooray - then again it doesn't much matter as what else are we doing. It will be interested to see if Deco maintains the agility edge he showed at the Cluster in November. Here's hoping.

In closing, Merry Christmas to all. May Santa be good to you. ( and the dogs if that applies)


Ann Miller said...

Sorry I haven't been checking your blog...I'm falling behind on the computer.

Glad to hear you arrived safely.

How was the meal at Paula Deen's? What did you have?

Anonymous said...

The Florida Keys were a favourite place amongst presidents and poets who sought inspiration from the beautiful surroundings. The Florida Keys are home to a beautiful ecosystem of sponges, rays, turtles and schools of shimmering fish. Watersports enthusiasts are in their element, while free thinkers like Ernest Hemingway have long found the Keys inspiring.holidays in florida keys