Friday, December 19, 2008


Where to begin. We got on the road yesterday as we kenew with the bad weather approaching it was now or never. I was all bright eyed and optimistic and excited about what lay ahead. ( I have to add here that I am a bit of a worrier on the road. Most like the result of an fairly serious accident when i was young.) But Jim is most likely one of the best drivers out there so...
things were uneventful until about 6 pm when we hit Hagerstown MD - I had stated fairly firmly that I did not want to be traveling after dark - no need to do so, we are not in a hurry , etc etc. Jim is of the " lets do a few more miles persuasion"
Anyway, we stopped to check out the two truck stops that were at that exit to see if we could park for the night. Both were full. Remember here that Jim cannot back this bus up as we are towing a car so we have to be sure that once we get into something we can get out.
We got back on the highway and figured we could stop at a rest stop in VA. Our goal was to get below the freeze line with all this bad weather coming.
BAM- we go 1/4 mile on 81 and come to a complete stop - it is 6:30. By 9:30 we had gone maybe 2 miles . At exit #1 we exited. We had been at exit 5. There were trucks and cars parked on the exit ramp and along the road , just sleeping. I had checked my book and there was a walmart at this exit BUT the book doesn't say get off the ramp and turn left or right- that is left to you. We went right -wrong way. Now remember that Jim can not turn this thing around in someone;s driveway. We are now in a line of traffic on route 11 that is backing up as people are trying to avoid the interstate. We take a left into what we think is a school and find that we can not get turned around. We are at a Pentecostal camp with little cabins and little street. Pitch black and we cannot see a ting. The dogs have had it and are barking to get walked. Jim just stops and says we stay here. On Amen Blvd- I kid you not. Now this place is deserted- hopefully . But I decide to sleep on the sofa to keep the dogs quiet so Jim who has been driving for 12 hours can rest. We don't turn on the generator and it starts to get cold. I have Deco at my feet and the blanket over my nose. By the way , leather sofas areslippery.
We made it through the night- I with little sleep- and we were able to wind our way out of there this morning. Jim can move this 40'bus with jeep around spots you would not thing possible.
Too much adventure for me- oh by the way it was ( I kid you not) Healing Pathways Pentecostal Camp say alleluia
good night all
Lindsay and day #1

1 comment:

Ann Miller said...

Oh brother! The adventure has begun! Can't wait to hear the next installment!

I hate sleeping in the cold! Good thing you have the doggies to help keep you warm.

I have nightmares about pulling into a spot where I can't turn around...from a bad incident when I was in the Army. got "out of Dodge" just in time. It took Sandy two hours to snow blow the driveway this AM! She is very happy with her new snow blower though...she said "two hours and I'm not tired!"

Best wishes for an uneventful rest of the trip...we're getting more snow tomorrow!